Child dental decay is on the rise. Now, more than ever, regular check-ups for your child are vital. The dentist will complete a full check up and, if needed, add a fluoride application for extra protection against decay. If you’re already registered with us, both the check up and fluoride application are free for children under 5 years old. For children 6 years and above, the price is just £19.50.

Even if you have a phobia of dentists yourself, it is vital that you bring your child regularly. The earlier you start bringing your child to the dentist, the more relaxed they will be and the less likely they are to need further or extensive treatment.

If your child needs orthodontic work, we employ orthodontic specialists who can assess your child and fit them with braces. This can usually take place in your regular Centre For Dentistry surgery, for your convenience and to help your child feel at ease.

The advice below answers some of the most commonly asked questions we get from parents, but don’t hesitate to call us at any time!

It is best to discuss this with your dentist first, but you could take your baby to your own routine check-ups. This can help the baby to get used to the surroundings. Your dentist will be able to offer advice and prescribe medicines for teething pains, and will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Your child’s own check-ups can start any time from about six months or from when the teeth start to appear.

Here at Centre for Dentistry we overcome a lot of adult and child fears about visiting the dentist. If your child is nervous, pop in a few times before their appointment when you are doing your shopping. Our teams are really friendly and welcoming. They may give them a balloon and let them have a climb on the dentist’s chair (if no one is in it!) .

Children can sense fear in their parents, so it is important not to let your child feel or hear any fears you may have. Try to be supportive if your child needs to have any dental treatment.

Regular visits to the dental team are essential in helping your child get used to the surroundings, so that, if and when, they do need any treatment, they feel relaxed and happy at the dentist.

All children are different and develop at different rates, however, the following is a general guide.

First or ‘baby’ teeth have usually developed before your child is born and will start to come through at around six months. All twenty baby teeth should be through by the age of two-and-a-half.

The first permanent ‘adult’ molars (back teeth) will appear at about six years, behind the baby teeth and before the first teeth start to fall out. The adult teeth will then replace the baby teeth. It is usually the lower front teeth that are lost first, followed by the upper front teeth shortly after. All adult teeth should be in place by the age of thirteen, except the wisdom teeth. These may come through at any time between eighteen and twenty five years of age.

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